Our members are living proof that every single one of you reading this can grasp and use what they learn on What Lies In Your Debt? and use it very well!

Reports Fix Them

One in Three Americans Have Errors in Their Credit Reports
Are you tiered of sending out letter after letters to the Credit Reporting Agencies, (CRA) and getting no results?
It's a pretty consistent problem, people just cannot get the CRA's (Credit Reporting Agencies) to remove negative or inaccurate information and sometimes they don't respond at all.
Remember, your credit score is simply a reflection of how you handle money, not how much you have. We’d bet a dollar to a dime that your credit score is costing you two ways.
The first is that you hesitate on an opportunity because you don’t have the capital to make a go at it. The second way is that you’re paying extra on virtually every cent you spend.
Ever heard of the "Universal Default Clause"?
Maybe not because it’s often in tiny small print when you apply and agree to the terms of a new credit card. If you ever make a late payment on any credit card - this allows credit card companies to charge you a ridiculous rate of 29.9% (or higher).
Yes, even if it was a Mastercard you missed your payment on, your VISA card can hit you with an outrageous raise in your interest rate.
When it comes to your money, it’s a dangerous world out there!
Like this other trick they might’ve played on you - very often credit card companies fail to report your limit or they report a lower limit than your card has. This increases what is known as your “utilization rate” - the difference between what you owe and what the limit is on your card.
The closer you are reported to being at your limit, the more likely your credit score will suffer.
The fact is, most of the time people going through financially trying times just forget to check their credit reports and the banksters and debt collectors are reporting ingenuous information that can cost them dearly!
A simple check on your credit report (we recommend TrueCredit) can be worth thousands of dollars to you. Keep in mind that any one bank or debt collector reports to up to 4 credit reporting agencies and for every mistake reported to these agencies could be worth up to $4000 per month per violation. Now this adds up to BIG BUCKS and guess what... they don’t like to fight back. They would rather just settle and make you go away! Incredible but true, it costs them more money to litigate then to just pay your or adjust your account then to fight back!
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Calls Stop Them

Nothing could be more grating on someone who is already struggling financially than an onslaught of calls from debt collectors. But you don't have to just sit back and take it. What Lies In Your Debt can show you how to turn those calls into cold, hard cash in a few easy steps.
What Lies In Your Debt can help you educate yourself on whether your debt collector is breaking the law by calling you late at night, and the What Lies In Your Debt systems gives you a plain-English breakdown of your rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.
The TCPA, Telephone Consumer Protection Act can turn every call into a potential $500.00 which when the debt collector is forced to deal with often times just writes you a check to go away. Why would you not want the phone ring?
You may even need to watch out for debt collectors on Facebook. Debt collectors have been known to use all manner of tricks to get a hold of the debtors they are after and make them pay up. Now, they have a new tool in their box. Like the police and nearly everyone else in the world, debt collectors have discovered Facebook. If you owe money, be careful who you friend.
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Issues Stop It

Facing Foreclosure?
You need to know the motivations of the lenders. In the current market, homes are not selling, or selling for far less than they might be worth despite what the media tells us. Lenders are not as anxious to take on more inventories they know they can’t sell, or must sell under market value; it’s a bad reflection on their bottom line and exposes just how broke they really are. So, if you are causing them trouble by defending your home, they are not as interested in most cases in fighting vigorously with you to get your home. Do you realize that 99% of the attorneys who file the foreclosures to begin with are not prepared to deal with knowledgeable consumers.
They don't know how to defend against those of us who understand the system and other State and Federal laws, along with not being afraid of them (attorney's).
On the other hand, servicers make more money while your home is in foreclosure from the lenders than if you were making timely payments. They would rather drag it out, it just more profit for them. Why do you think your mortgage has been sold or transferred even while it’s in foreclosure, because they are still making money!
Our members, who we help fight back, have been in their homes for years. In some cases, the foreclosure has gone into a “dormant” state with the lenders doing nothing for a long period of time. Our system will walk you from the beginning to the end of the process, while you make MONEY!
The facts remain that most of the banks or trusts bringing the foreclosure actions do not have the legal right to do so. In most cases it’s the servicer, a trustee, or an appointed trustee for a securitized pool of mortgages and the burden of proof is on the bank and not the homeowner. This is rather difficult for most to prove to say the least.
In most foreclosure cases, there are defenses which will buy you considerable time. By using our proven system, you put the banks on the defensive and they cannot proceed with the foreclosure until they settle with you. In many cases, you will come to a favorable agreement. In other words, you make the bank see things your way!
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Collectors Stop Them

Debt Collectors Will Prey on the Weak
Debt collectors will prey on the weak, fragile, scared, and those without knowledge...those that are not members of What Lies In Your Debt?!
According to the Urban Institute, 35 percent of U.S. consumers are struggling with debt in collections -- amounting to approximately 77 million Americans.
Rip off artists are abundant in these economic times. Just check Google and states’ attorneys' offices, con artists without a conscience are plaguing struggling home owners and people who are facing hard financial times.
If you only knew the debt collector scam you wouldn’t ever feel bad again. We challenge you to look it up yourself. These scum are paying less than a penny on the dollar and trying to get you for the full amount.
They will use scare tactics like telling people they will have them arrested or their going to have their wages garnished. The threats never stop but the reality is, if most Americans knew how to drop the hammer on them for doing this they would be out of business in months!
Take control yourself and don't count on anyone to get you through the tough times. Our proven system will show you how to keep the banks and debt collectors at bay while making them pay you every time they break the law!
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Cards Must Knows

The Great Scam
Do you know why consolidating or working with settlement companies or attorneys who claim to be able to help you settle credit card debt are the biggest rip offs in America.
They claim to be able to get you a settlement of say 60 cents on the dollar, plus the typical fee of 15% of the settlement, now you are up to 75% total settlement right? WRONG!!
They failed to tell you something. You are actually paying 115% of what that so called good deal. Let us not forget IRS. The difference of that 40% less you paid is considered income earned and you will be sent a 1099 by the creditor. You get it, 60 plus 40 plus 15 equals a great deal of 115% of the total debt! Yup, I'm way better off.
Debt Settlement - is a brand and not a solution!
It increases your debt automatically by 15% with all of the fees you are charged. Your chances of being sued are increased and additional tax consequences are incurred. Now the IRS gets involved... Can you say audit?
You can stress out trying to find a way to make the minimum payments every month or you can get them to pay you. The facts are simple; you will never pay off credit card debt while making minimum payments!
This is simple to understand! There are many laws which make it easy for you to get back at the banks for harassing you calling you at all hours of the day, at work, at home and on your cell phone. It seems like they enjoy harassing you doesn’t it? Well you can make it all stop and get paid while doing it. We mean get paid thousands!!!!
Done Properly Your Credit Card Debt Just Goes Away...
When using the What Lies In Your Debt system you can literally pay off your credit card debt in no time.
See, when you combine all the credit reporting issues, the unwanted calls, unwanted texts and follow our easy to understand system, you can just pay them off in no time.
For instance, you’re late on your payment to Visa, they call your cell phone without consent 10 times and each time you tell them to not call your cell phone. You have just basically earned yourself a possible $5000.00. If that’s not enough just let the phone keep ringing and you just keep letting them violate on an average of $500.00 per call until your balance is surpassed.
Sound too good to be true but it really works.
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Protection Protect Yourself

Using our friendly judgment lien process you will ensure that none of your creditors will ever be able to levy your pay or bank accounts. This system ensures you are safe while using the other processes to actually generate funds and the last thing you need is for some creditor to take your hard earned money.
Again, if you have been defensive and are now facing a possible wage garnishment or bank levy this is your first step!
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Wow WLIYD! $170,150 since 2014.Smashing all thanks to WLIYD!!!
Thank you for making this possible.Now I'm fearful NO MORE!. I'm taking this information and working on behalf of my kids and myself.
Just settled for $1,500 for 3 calls.So many thanks to the site and all the work that the moderators did by putting the site together and then sharing the knowledge.